Care Delivery

Residential Nursing Care

Caritas offers the following for service users requiring residential nursing care:

  • Residential nursing care for adults with learning disabilities and or mental health needs, challenging behaviour and dual diagnoses, autistic spectrum disorders, and complex care needs requiring significant nursing and or a high level of care support
  • Respite and intermediate care/rehabilitation placements
  • Community access with support is a key part of our service
  • Structured programmes for occupational and leisure activities
  • Understanding that some individuals may have a history of going from one service to another, which can be particularly distressing, and have an adverse effect on a service users’ stability, or feelings of security
  • Each service user has a care profile made up of individual care plans, including a person-centred plan, designed to encourage them to progress towards reaching their goals, through small achievable milestones, actively increasing their confidence
  • Caritas Services adheres to the Accessible Information Standard. The Standard sets out a specific, consistent approach to identifying, recording, flagging, sharing and meeting the information and communication support needs of patients, service users, carers and parents with a disability, impairment or sensory loss.