
Giving Choices to Prospective Service Users

At Caritas we recognise that every prospective service user should have the opportunity to choose a home and service that suits his or her needs and abilities.

Referral & Assessment

Service users will have their needs assessed before entering a home; this provides each service user with the best possible information on which to make an informed choice about their future.


For prospective service users who are already in touch with a social service or social work department, the initial assessment will be undertaken as part of the care management process for referrals, we also need to assure ourselves, and the service user that the home and or our service is suitable for them.  For prospective service users who approach Caritas directly, appropriately trained staff will make a full assessment of need, and with permission, seek professional advice and obtain reports as necessary.


An Initial assessment is made at the intended service users’ present location and is accomplished with a pre-arranged understanding that access will be given to the present carers’ case file and care records.  After initial assessment and gaining approval from all participant parties, the safe transfer to the nursing home is made for a thirteen-week assessment period.  The assessment process helps our staff to be sure that we can meet potential service users’ requirements, and to make an initial plan, detailing the care we will provide.


Each prospective service user will be given as much information as possible about the home, and services to help them make their decision.  We offer the opportunity for a prospective service user to visit the home, join current service users for a meal, meet the staff, and move in on a trial basis, depending on what is most relevant.


We are happy for prospective service users to involve family, friends or other representatives in seeing our homes, and reviewing the care, and facilities we can provide before making the final decision about admission.

Health Care Professionals

If you have any questions about referrals & assessments please call us on 01625 531628, email us at or fill out the form on our contact page.