Care Delivery

The Person Centred Plan

The service we offer at Caritas takes a person-centred plan (PCP) approach


The PCP is developed with and owned by the person using the service. It is based on a full and up to date holistic assessment of each service user.


'My positive reputation' is featured at the beginning of the PCP, to negate away from any attachment of labels, or negative characteristics of a person. Individuals are encouraged to celebrate their skills and positive attributes, and to take a proactive approach in developing solutions to any problems or issues.


The PCP includes reference to equality, diversity and clearly addresses any needs identified in the six strands of diversity which are: gender (including gender identity), age, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief, and disability.


The plan focuses on the individual: their strengths and personal preferences. The plan is a lifestyle plan, it is written with the individual, or their representative, and includes a range of information that is important to them. Information such as whom and what is important to them, how they keep safe, their goals and aspirations, their skills and abilities, and how they make choices in their life. It also includes information about their health. The PCP always celebrates the individual, their life experiences, and sets out in detail how all their current requirements and aspirations are to be met through positive individual support.